Taichi Classes
Bare Hand:
Traditional and New International Yang Style Tai Chi
Traditional Wu Style Tai Chi
Traditional and New International Chen Style Tai Chi
International 42 Form Tai Chi
24 Form Tai Chi
Tai Chi Sword: Yang Style, Chen Style, 42 Form sword and 32 Form sword
Broadsword: Yang Style
First Year: Tai Chi ( choose what you like, see below Tai Chi introduction )
Second Year: Tai Chi Sword ( choose what you like, see below Tai Chi introduction )
Chen Tai Chi is oldest Tai Chi. It is characterized by steady even movements, alternating between fast and slow and involves jumping, kicking and bursts of power. Chen Tai Chi is more demanding, and it is generally suited to and liked by younger and physically stronger practitioners.
Yang Tai Chi is the most popular and widely practiced in the world today. It removed the movements of releasing of power and energetic jumping etc. The movements are curved, slow, even and soft so that it is suitable for all types of practitioners.
Wu Tai Chi is the second most popular in the world. The movements are light, soft and defusing (energy moves from one part of the body to another part or beyond the body to an opponent) ; compact yet stretch the body. The other two unique features are the parallel footwork and obliquely centered body. When we practice Wu Tai Chi, the feet are parallel in most movements. The body is upright during the movement, and leans forward as the movement is completed. This is called “Oblique Centered Body”.
The 42 Form (Competition Form, Mixed Form) is the standard Wushu competition form which combines movements drawn from the Chen, Yang, Wu and Sun styles of traditional Taijiquan. It was created in 1989 by Chinese Wushu Association. Today it is a popular form for international competition as well as for personal health benefits.